First Steps

After a couple false starts, some experiments with codes and graphics, and a new computer, I think I'm finally ready to get my paws wet. Yeah. Paws.
I lurve my green

Hi, I'm Alexiel Magnolia. I love Second Life fashion, and taking pictures of my avatar. I also identify as a furry, both in real life and SL. While a lot of people might put on a furry avatar now and then but be human (or a neko, or elf, etc) most of the time, I spend most of my time fuzzy with only occasional human skins, usually with a tail or other wolfy parts so I don't feel too weird.

I have several reasons for making this blog, which I'll probably be getting into within the next couple of posts. But most of all, it's just because I'd love to see more furry (and other non-human) Second Life bloggers.

Too often I see an amazing outfit on the feeds, only to realize it really wouldn't look good anything but a human avatar (and a tall and skinny one at that). Fashion's a little different when your avatar's a little different, so let's see clothing and accessories in new ways (if you're a Bare@Rose fan like me, check out the wonderful Serenity Semple's flickr for images of how new BR releases look like on furry avatars). And then of course there's the eternal struggle of fitting hair on my big head, and the disappointment of no mod items.

If you've a furry or other non-human SL blogger, or know of one, please send me a link! I see plenty of furs when I'm out shopping (at all the awesome stores, at least), so I think it's time for us to really participate in Second Life's fashion community.