I love shopping for shoes in SL because I don't have to stop and consider if the heel height on a given pair is going to screw up my already bad ankles or anything like that. But over the past year or so my happy shoe time's been threatened. By prim toes. Prim HUMAN toes.
When prim toes started invading the grid, I was freaked out by them. I completely recognize the hypocracy in my prim paws good, prim toes bad thinking, but still toes... ew. Now that there are some well sculpted varieties I'm not that bothered by them in theory, as long as they're well tinted. But now it seems I can't find a good pair of open-toed without running into a set of prim toes, or even a whole prim foot. It's enough to make SL shoe shopping as annoying as RL shoe shopping.
The other day, while poking my nose into SLink I saw something that made me do a double take.
My first thought is the usual "Oh hey a furry on an ad in a mainstream store... yay!" (I'll probably write more about that in the future) but on second glance I noticed what's being sold. Furry/neko prim feet. Most furries I know prefer paws, but as I remind people, there's no rule on how human or animal a furry should be. I've seen plenty of furry art with characters whose feet are closer to well, feet, than paws.
So in the interest of furries and fashion, I grabbed a demo (I'm a failblogger, I wouldn't feel right asking for a review copy at this point). After a bit of fiddling with the included HUD...
The feet are quite well made, with a nice natural shape rather than a blob like some prim feetsies I've seen. And I was pleasantly surprised by the cute little pawpads on the bottom of the feet. The claws have a whole host of colors the paint them. It took me only a few minutes to get the feet reasonably matched to my skin (and I checked, it looked okay under a few different light settings), but I do wish the feet had more of a fur texture to them. As it is, they appear closer to skin textured. Also, I'd like to remind SLink that not every furry has black paw pads, so a way to customize that is just as important as choosing a skin tone.
As to whether or not I'll get them myself.... I don't know yet. I always have dark paw pads so there's no issue there. As a werewolf, I sometimes go a little more human or a little more animal than usual. These feet are 600L$ per style (with three styles, flat, tiptoe, and halfway, the picture shows the half version), which is more than I'm usually willing to pay for shoes. And for something that I frankly have no idea how much I'm going to use, I'm not really in a position to spend that much on a maybe right now.
Despite my own indecision, I'm sure there are some out there who'll love it. Besides, it makes me happy any time a non-furry designer thinks of us. So thanks SLink!
Oh, can I get claw options on shoes with prim toes? :B
On another note, SLink also has some silly halloween prim feetsies (which could also function as regular feet for any zombies out there):
Hair: Stringer Mauselum ~ Top: WWI (Nightmare Eden gift) ~ Shorts: TRAP ~ Avatar: Lost Furest ~ Feet: SLink (10L)
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