A resolution

I told Serenity that my new year's resolution was to blog.  Now it's January 12th and I still haven't posted anything, gah I'm bad.


Where I live, we've been getting way more snow than usual.  It's not really any colder than an average winter, but the snow's just been piling up.  I kinda want to run outside and frolic in it, but then I remember that I'll just end up cold and wet.


I think I'll leave the snow adventures to SL, where yummy sweaters from League don't get wet and scratchy and jeans are perfectly acceptable snowpants.   As a bonus, here's a picture of my tiny little Misia on the night she was born~ Credits after the break.

Baby bunneh!

Avatar: Lost Furest Evolutions
Hair: Clawtooth by Clawtooth (Edited to fit my big head, and tinted slightly)
All clothes: League